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Showing posts from April, 2020

April 27th- May 1st

Parents,  Good morning! I apologize for all of the forwarded emails from specials but it is easier to send them due to the attachments.  Beginning this week,  we will do a complete Math lesson each day, just as we would normally do in school, to be sure that we meet all of our curriculum requirements for the remainder of the year. Hopefully, these past few weeks your child has been eased into the e-learning process. This chapter, students will learn about representing data.  Due to our current circumstances, when the directions ask to survey 10 people, please just ask family members or use your imagination. I will continue to Zoom daily at 9:30!  Monday Math - Begin Chapter 10 - Representing Data - Complete page 572 - "Show what you know" (For number 1, imagine you have 4 red tiles and 6 yellow tiles) Complete page 573 - "Vocabulary builder" - discuss the math vocabulary words at the top of page 573 (It's okay if students don't know all of the meanin

Week of April 20th-24th

Monday Math lesson 9.8 : Telling time to the hour and half hour  Complete pp. 555-557. Practice telling time at home using an analog clock. ELA: High frequency words for I'm a Caterpillar: know, push, done, wait, visit. Write words 2X each in "W" copybook. RWN pp. 379, 381, 382.  Religion: Chapter 15 "The Holy Spirit is Our Helper'' Discuss our good habits at home with Mom and dad. How do our good habits help us follow Jesus? What good habits does the Holy Spirit help us learn? Read pg. 221, 222, and 223.  Tuesday Math:  Lesson 9.8 complete pp. 558, 559, 560. ELA: Write high frequency words in ABC order RWN pp. 383, 385, 386. Journal prompt: What changes can be seen in nature? Write about these changes you see in your journal. Read I'm a Caterpillar in hard back reading book pp. 159-174. Look at questions on pg. 174. Answer questions 1 and 2 orally with a parent.  Religion: Read about Saint Thomas Aquinas on pp. 224 and complete activ

April 15th-17th

I hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter  Please keep in mind that along with these assignments you are also strongly encouraged to: ~Go on first in Math ~Practice all sight words from the year ~Practice puzzles ~Go on educational websites - (abcya, startfall, brainpop junior) ~Get daily exercise outside with your family ~Read and write in your 40 book challenge Wednesday -  Religion - Complete pages 348, 349 and 350 (Easter - understand that God raised Jesus from the dead and gave him new life. Complete activity on page 348) Math - Begin Lesson 9.7 - Time to the half hour - Complete pages 549, 550, and 551 ELA - ~Fluency -Practice Reading with Expression page 149 in hardback reader ~Look at page 152 and 153 in hardback reader - Find 5 pictures that contain the vowel sound in turn. Say all of the sounds in one of the words. Now find something in this picture that rhymes with  twirl . Add the sound /z/ to the end of that word. Say the new word.

Holy Week

Good morning children and parents! We have a short work week as we prepare for Easter.  Let's Zoom on Tuesday at 1:00! I miss your cute little faces!  Enjoy your Easter break with your families and we will resume next Wednesday April 15th! Monday Math: pp. 546, 547, 548. Practice reading the time at home on your analog clocks! We will start lesson 9.7 after Easter Break! Religion: Complete the pages in Holy Week section in the back of the Religion book pp. 342-347.  Happy Easter from Sister Rose and Mrs. Battista! Here is a story about the Last  Supper!  CLICK BELOW! ELA:  Reading and writing in your 40 book challenge day!  Find a few books at home and spend the morning reading, writing and recording the title of your books in your 40 book challenge.  Write about your favorite part of your story. What part made you laugh? What did you learn about the characters in the story? Who was you